The importance of mechanics, design & equipment construction in PDP

An idea as the basis for every product: it usually arises from everyday situations, is not yet defined at the beginning and must be concretised for the product to be successful. The earlier the mechanical development departments are involved in the product development process (PDP), the better the project can be supported. André Bisig, mechanical developer at STEINEL Solutions, takes you on a journey through the product development process and categorises the importance of design and mechanics. 

A product is created from an idea. The first step is to specify this idea in a catalogue of requirements, i.e. describe use cases and provide concrete indications of the area of application. This catalogue of requirements serves as the basis for the specification sheet, in which the customer defines the most important points and communicates time requirements.

Once the idea has been concretised and described, the project starts with the feasibility study. 

Phase 1: Feasibility / Concept

In this phase of product development, it is checked whether the idea can be realised. The core task of mechanical development in this phase is to analyse the customer's task from a technical perspective and to look for and compare possible solutions for the requirements. This involves the housing, the interfaces, tool manufacture and subsequent assembly in production, as these in turn have an influence on the required operating resources.

Thanks to the complete package of electronics, mechanics, test equipment construction and tool manufacture that STEINEL Solutions offers in the area of product development, an optimum alignment with internal manufacturing expertise takes place at an early stage.

Once the feasibility phase has been completed, there is an initial, production-optimised design proposal for the new product and a product concept that defines the required parts, mainly central system components, as well as interfaces. Now the operating resources and tools can be budgeted and the development costs can be estimated within a fairly precise range.

Thanks to the many years of experience with realisations in a wide range of industries that our development specialists bring to the table, STEINEL defines the framework conditions in a specification sheet following the feasibility study. Once all the important information has been collected internally, a channelled exchange of knowledge and findings takes place with the customer.

Assessment | André Bisig


‘Ideas for new products usually come directly from customers, they know the industry and how their products are used in practice. Once the idea has been concretised in a catalogue of requirements or specifications, the consultation starts as an important part of my work. We know which questions we need to ask, which points we need to clarify and which details are crucial for successful implementation. Ideas for optimising new and existing products therefore often come from STEINEL.’

Clipboard with checklist and hook as icon for feasibility

‘The feasibility study is of central importance for the entire project. On the one hand, it is about creating a common understanding of the product, but also of the market (area of application) and the business model (transport/logistics). On the other hand, a cost- and production-optimised realisation of the product should be guaranteed - and this in the shortest possible time-to-market. Thanks to our agile setup and many years of experience, we can offer great added value here, as the smooth, interdisciplinary interaction between all the specialists involved from the fields of mechanics, electronics, technical office, project management and purchasing is extremely important. In addition to physical and technical requirements, the financial requirements, tasks to be performed, hourly estimates, necessary approvals, the right choice of materials and alternative parts are also determined.’

Phase 2: Development

The product concept created for the components reaches prototype status in the development phase. With the help of CAD, the individual components are designed, taking into account the process technologies and relevant standards, and the complete assembly is created. 

The core task of mechanical development is to optimally adapt the design to the subsequent production technology, as this differs depending on whether it is a plastic housing produced by injection moulding or sheet metal parts. The overriding aim is to optimise production, costs and interfaces. The development of a production concept that defines how the various parts are to be brought together, e.g. by clicking or screwing, is therefore also part of this project phase.


Mechanical development work (yin) is closely interwoven with electronics development (yang); the symbiosis ultimately leads to the product. Cooperation between the specialists involved in the project is essential for a successful project and an optimally realised end product. 

For example, regular checks are carried out to ensure that the designed housings are suitable for the planned electronic components and which connection points are important. The mechanics department also supports the electronics development department with provisional test set-ups for carrying out measurements.

The communication channels at STEINEL between the departments and project management are very short, which is an enormous advantage. Especially when it comes to clarifying details within the team. 

In the next step, the manufactured parts are assembled into a prototype that comes as close as possible to the end product. As the name suggests, functionality is the main focus of these functional prototypes. However, the structure can also be used to visualise the design, the customer holds samples in 3D in their hands for the first time or cables can be inserted for testing purposes, for example. 

Thanks to our in-house 3D printer with SLS process (selective laser sintering), a wide variety of functional samples can be printed in a very short time. This enables rapid insights into individual functions and ensures agility and flexibility. 

If more stable materials are required, a wide variety of parts can be manufactured in STEINEL's in-house mechanics department using machining processes. For special cases, STEINEL has a large network of external partners who can be contacted if necessary. 

Once the product has been developed and largely finalised, a mechanical and electronic design and process FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) is carried out with the aim of finding and evaluating potential sources of error early on in the product development process and taking appropriate measures. 

As soon as the customer has accepted the prototype, the industrialisation phase begins.

Assessment | André Bisig


‘One of our added values is that, in addition to electronics development, we also offer mechanical development, equipment and test equipment construction. At STEINEL, we work together in interdisciplinary teams of specialists who are all in the same office. As a mechanical developer, my colleagues in electronics development are important contacts. A successful project team also includes our project manager and a technical contact person at the customer. As we work according to agile project management methods at STEINEL, we can react very quickly to changing requirements or framework conditions.’

André Bisig during the development of a mechanical component.


‘The switch from design (theory) to mechanics (practice) ensures great variety and in-depth knowledge in both areas in our department. We can best test and check prototypes for their functions under real conditions thanks to mechanical devices. Of course, we also like to go the extra mile here. For example, we used a pneumatic device to carry out an endurance test on the buttons of an operating unit or moved a ratchet hinge back and forth 10,000 times, to name just two examples.’

André Bisig processes a sample from the 3D printer.

Phase 3: Industrialisation & test series

The industrialisation phase is of central importance for series production and is another key task for design and mechanical engineering. STEINEL Solutions specialises in offering mechanical engineering and equipment construction services from a single department, while at the same time ensuring proximity to production. 

While the production equipment is built in Einsiedeln, STEINEL has other specialists in the group who deal exclusively with tool procurement, including injection moulding tools, for example. The focus is on lean management, as the production process should be organised as efficiently as possible. 

The operating resources, including assembly devices, screwing devices, punching devices or soldering frames, are evaluated, designed and later realised based on the 3D data and the prototypes or initial test series parts. Depending on the planned quantities and customer requirements, the equipment is designed for automated, semi-automated or manual use. 


One example of a piece of equipment that was designed and built in Einsiedeln to meet customer-specific requirements is a plug-in tongue press. Six plug-in tongues are pressed into two SMD assembled PCBs at the same time and twelve plugged-in tongues are tested in the same work step.

Another example is a UV exposure device with automatic drawer opening for UV adhesive curing, in which the inserted parts are evenly exposed so that the UV adhesive is also evenly cured.

Small bending devices for PIR sensors, swivelling soldering devices, bending-pressing devices or rubber spacers for SENSOTEC HB PIR Wire, for example, are also manufactured in-house. 

Once the tools, operating and testing equipment are available, the test series follows, which is also carried out in Einsiedeln. The parts are compared with the drawing and tested for their mechanical function. In addition, the tool capability is checked for the last time by means of an initial sample test report.

Depending on the product, various tests are carried out on the end product during this phase, either internally or externally, such as adhesion tests or leak tests. The STEINEL Group has various measuring equipment at its disposal, including an IP test system, a measuring machine and a 3D scanner. Tests under real conditions are the order of the day, for example standardised drop tests without packaging from various heights or impact tests on a linear luminaire with a pendulum with a large ball (500gr or 5kg) that hits the luminaire with a swing. STEINEL also has a rain chamber and a climatic chamber in which parts are tested for temperature and humidity under high requirements and with the passage or setting of various cycles - warm cold, dry moist and time-dependent.

If the tests are successful, the parts are released. Process safety is ensured with operating and test equipment capability certificates and work instructions. 

Assessment | André Bisig


‘The importance of industrialisation has increased significantly, and the test concept is of central importance for market success and approval. Products are becoming more intelligent, more complex and smaller at the same time. For example, larger cable harnesses have to be installed in smaller spaces. The proximity between development and production is crucial to the success of the pilot series. We can solve many issues hand in hand. This keeps communication channels short and saves us valuable time!’

André Bisig and Reto Schmid, Head of Assembly & Testing, inspect a test device.


‘The assembly of the equipment is always carried out in-house. We assemble the ordered parts, test them and optimise them where necessary. It is therefore of great added value that the design engineers have access to our own mechanics department with specialists as well as the in-house mechanical workshop. We have a wide range of machinery at our disposal. This includes bonding robots, ultrasonic welding systems, painting robots, potting systems and much more.’

One of several gluing robots at STEINEL.


‘Before each commissioning of a test device, the device must be inspected, individually adjusted and, if necessary, adapted. It is crucial to create a functioning test concept before series production. Safety is the top priority here, in addition to high product quality, especially the safety of the end user. We have many years of experience in creating successful test concepts, which is a great advantage for customers.’

André Bisig works on the inner workings of a test device.


‘Optimisation measures come from the customer or are suggested by STEINEL. For example, we extended the housing of a ceiling sensor with an additional ‘slot’ to make it easier to install and remove the sensor. For another product, we developed a ‘clamping point’ to hold the slider more firmly in the mould. The constant inspection and optimisation of various devices and equipment in production also falls under the remit of design and mechanics, as well as checking their functionality and handling.’

IPA from an apprentice; universal test adapter for printed circuit boards.

Phase 4: Series start-up / pilot series

All documents, including parts lists, operating resources, production times, work instructions and test specifications, are updated again shortly before series release with the so-called pilot series. 

During this phase, various mechanical tests are carried out in internal and external test laboratories as part of the approval process in accordance with standards. These include IP tests, IK, vibration, shock, transport tests and others. One of STEINEL Solutions' areas of expertise is supporting the approval process. 

Internal approval by Quality Management is based on internal test reports, test reports from the approval bodies and all necessary declarations of conformity. After internal approval, the samples are inspected and approved by the customer. 

Phase 5: Series production support / CIP

The parts are now in series production. To ensure that the product remains successful, every employee is required from this point onwards, because only those who understand the product can recognise potential for improvement. If mechanical changes are required during series production support, these can be implemented within an efficient time frame, as all the necessary mechanical resources are available. Mechanical development is also involved in series production support and provides support in optimising processes with mechanical devices.

A product is created from an idea. Of central importance in the product creation process of mechanical development.
Portrait of the employee who wrote the article

‘Identifying with STEINEL Solutions and the resulting products is very important to me. Working on the various projects from different industries is a daily challenge for me, but also a great pleasure. Seeing how the products are created with the associated tools, operating and testing equipment and helping to shape them is great fun for me. Because it takes a lot of courage and creativity!’ 

André Bisig, Mechanical Development at STEINEL Solutions AG