
Building intelligence for Health & Care

It's about the individual. Not about the technology. Solutions for home.

The Idea
Helping people to continue living in their own four walls and reducing the work of in-patient nursing staff.

Whereas life expectancy in our society is increasing, the birth rate has been declining for years. This means that in future there will be more and more elderly people and ever fewer younger ones to look after them. This demographic change will also have an impact on the care sector. There will be a need for far more nursing staff, both in the in-patient sector and in out-patient care. This may result in shortages and lacking quality in nursing care.

Whether at home or in care facilities – intelligent technical solutions assist nursing staff, helping to ease their workload in their everyday care routine. They make it easier for relatives to provide care at home and let people in need of care remain in their own four walls.

The project

  • 1/5 of people living in Germany are 65 or older
  • The share of people in need of long-term care in the overall population is 4.1% - and rising
  • 95 percent say that the possibility of getting help and care at home is important or very important from the aspect of retaining their independence in old age.
  • Over the last 20 years, the number of care services has increased by 30% to 14,050.

Care for a greater sense of well-being – digitally assisted


Out-patient - reassured relatives: relatives are always well informed and are quickly alerted in an emergency.


Flexible care service: nursing care services can use the data for planning their rounds more systematically. In an emergency, an intelligent alarm is triggered.


In-patient care: the dashboard displays an overview of all rooms on the particular ward. As a result, nursing care staff on duty are always informed of the condition of residents and can take targeted action whenever necessary.

More safety. And a good feeling.

Calm Care assists people in their own home. Embedded in a web-based solution, data or anomalies captured by sensors are communicated to mobile care services or relatives. The sensor also collects data on room climate and can regulate temperature, light level etc. to suit the individual. For more comfort all round.

We help people to continue living in their own four walls and reduce the work of in-patient nursing staff.

Hendrik Beinke, Business Development Manager Health & Care

Sensors provide safety. And a good feeling.

In old age, many people want to stay in their familiar and accustomed surroundings for as long as they can. Nonetheless, it is important to ensure they are looked after and feel well. Assisted by intelligent sensor technology, this can be done. New, relevant measurement variables can be ascertained by combining cutting-edge sensors. For example, the sensors identify the presence and activity of a care recipient, sense their vitality, provide information on their state of hygiene and create comfortable surroundings. Relatives or the care service responsible are informed if anything unusual is detected.


Nursing in care facilities

Sometimes, one carer in nursing homes is responsible for as many as 60 persons in need of care during the night. The True Presence® multisensor, with its seven senses, helps.

More safety through automatic light


Entrance area

Good, bright lighting is important at the front door so that an elderly person can safely move about here. Installed next to the front door, sensor-switched lights from STEINEL always come on reliably when light is needed. And automatically off again when it's no longer required.


Bathroom / WC

If hands are not free for the light switch because a person can only move with the aid of a rollator or walker, it is practical when a sensor automatically switches the light on in the bathroom when a person enters it. With their penetrating detection capability, STEINEL's HF sensors also detect when someone is in the shower. The light stays on until it is no longer needed.



On moving from one room to another at home, infrared sensors from STEINEL automatically switch on the light when entering the hallway or landing. This puts an end to looking for the light switch – and also to dark corners in the home. This lets elderly people enjoy enjoy life in their own four walls more safely.

Would you like to optimise your care facility?

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Your contact person for Health & Care

Andre Milos
Product Manager Sensor Technology
Make an appointment now

Further applications

  • All
  • Home & Garden
  • Apartment Building
  • Parking & Transportation
  • Industry & Logistics
  • Office & Workspaces
  • Education
  • Hospitality
  • Health & Care